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NEW CLASSES in August and November at RAVEN CONJURE in Winchester!


Hello all!

I am off to Scotland for the rest of June...but before I go, I am pleased to announce a NEW set of classes at RAVEN CONJURE in Winchester! But before I head out to do some serious dancing in stone circles, here is the list of classes that will be happening at RC!

We are working on enrollment forms...if you are interested in enrolling, shoot me an email at I apologize in advance if it takes me a few days to get back to you, I have no idea what the internet will be like in our little house on Skye.

Feast your eyes on all THIS pagan fun! I hope you can join us!

Upcoming Classes with Tava Baird at

Raven Conjure

Celtic Spellwork 101: Symbolism and Practice

Interested in learning to set up a Celtic Wiccan sacred space and how to write your first simple spells? Join Tava Baird, a mentor in the Pagan community for over thirty years, for this introduction to symbolism, ritual, and the Celtic Wheel of the Year. Learn how to author basic blessing and protection spells and consecrate and cleanse items. Each student will craft and bless their own set of witch bells to take with them to hang in their home utilizing what we learned together in class.

Instruction time: 2 1\2 hours

Fee: $50 includes all materials. SUNDAY, AUGUST 6, 6-8:30 PM


The Wheel of the Year: Make and Print Your Own Pagan Seasonal Cards

Do you want to send out unique cards for Samhain, Yule, or another holiday that Hallmark doesn't cover? Join our printmaking workshop with Pagan Artist, Art Teacher, and author Tava Baird! You'll learn how to carve your own rubber plates and print greeting cards that look like woodcuts…no artistic skill required! Each student will leave with a completed plate and five finished greeting cards and envelopes and learn to make a simple pamphlet-stitch notebook with a printed cover.

Instruction Time: 3 hours

Fee: $60 includes materials and use of the instructor's carving tools. SUNDAY, AUGUST 13, 6-9 PM

Kitchen Divination: Tea Leaves and Scrying Jars

Scrying and tea leaf reading are ancient arts that have been practiced worldwide…but how do you actually do it? In this adventurous class with your guide Tava Baird (who will not only bring tea but snacks) you will gain experience in reading tea leaves for yourself and others, and talk about many forms of scrying and how to ask the right questions when looking for answers. Each participant will be able to decorate and bless a jar for water scrying to take with them, and learn how to bind a simple pamphlet-stitch symbol dictionary to accompany them on their journey.

Instruction Time: 2 1\2 hours. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 6-8:30 PM

Fee: $50 includes all materials

Manifestations in Cloth: Bone-Casting Grounds, Tarot Wraps, Dream Pillows, and Healing Poppets

Do your hands like to be busy…but MAGICKAL busy? Pagan textile artist and art teacher Tava Baird will help you design your own tarot wrap, bone-casting cloth, embroidered dream pillow, or simple Healing Poppet utilizing color and knot magick! Start your project in class in our witches' sewing circle, and continue outside of class with a Facebook group to share your finished creation!

Instruction Time: 2 1\2 hours. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 6-8:30 PM

Fee: $50 includes all materials

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