Resources & Links
To support our growing community, below are resources, information and links to help you on your journey. Links for support material for The Witch of Wolfcroft Education series are also at the bottom.
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Links for The Witch of Wolfcroft : Spiral Pathways
Hello there again - you've found the Witch of Wolfcroft Guidebook One Resource Link Page!
Thank you so much for visiting, and I hope you find these links helpful!
(Please note that while I link to Amazon for all books, I'm not getting any perks from them...it's just an easy way to help you see all the information about the book.)
Please check back, as more resources will be added over time!
Here are links to books mentioned in the Introduction.
Magical Rites from the Crystal Well
Lessons One and Two: History and On Becoming a Witch Links
This is a great (if somewhat overly dramatic) British show on the history of modern witchcraft and Gerald Gardner. Good information, but also gives you an idea of how the general public often views Pagans.
I mentioned both Raymond Buckland and Scott Cunningham in the book. Here is a link to a short Youtube video (Part 1) with both of them in it many years ago explaining Wicca to a television audience. Feel free to view Part 2 as well if you are so inclined!
Lessons Three and Four: The Spiral Pathway and Head, Heart, and Belly
Willow Ridge Reiki Sound Recordings
Big Magic (Book)
American Tribal Style Belly Dance Video
Fat Chance Belly Dance Classes
Datura Belly Dance Classes Online
Lessons Five and Six: The Sun and the Moon and Guides
Here's a lovely little video for you to go with your on The Horned God:
Lessons Seven: The Wheel of the Year
How to Make a St. Brigid's Cross
Grove and Grotto: The Eight Sabbats
Lesson Eight: How to Eat Magick
Books on Magickal Correspondences:
Lessons Nine, Ten, Eleven, and Twelve: Clearing Space, Grounding and Centering, and Incense, Blessing Water, and The Magick Broom
Making a Hand Broom Part 1 :
Making a Hand Broom Part 2:
Broom Making Lesson -Dancing Goats Part 1
Broom Making Dancing Goats Part 2
Broom Making Lesson Dancing Goats Part 3
Broom Kits from Sunhouse Craft
Lessons Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen and Sixteen: The Circle, Opening Doors, Banishing, and Bed Blessing and Warding
Lessons Seventeen, Eighteen, and Nineteen: Dreamwork, Dream Pillows, and Book of Shadows
A video on turning your Book of Shadows into a very personal, and very lovely piece of art is here:
Introductory Bookbinding Links:
Lessons Twenty and Twenty-one: Candle Magick and a Cord-Cutting Spell
Practical Candleburning Rituals (Book)
Introduction to Candle Magick Article
Lesson Twenty-two: An Amulet Bag
Norse Mythology for Smart People
Futhark: A Handbook of Rune Magic
Lessons Twenty-three, Twenty-four, Twenty-five, and Twenty-six: Celebrating with Others, Structure of a Coven, Places of Power, and Witchcraft in Everyday Life
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner
Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft