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LOOK what we MADE for YOU! New Classes this winter at Moon Phased!


Hello Lovlies!

I have been a busy bee setting up new classes and booking markets and writing my fanny off...and just this morning, the day before I jet off to Scotland, Heather and I were adding two BRAND NEW classes to the Moon Phased schedule. One is in November and one is in January, but I think you are going to really dig them. Here they are:

The Sacred Tree: Ogham in the Ancient Isles

Ogham, a form of ancient Irish, is found on stone monuments in Ireland and parts of the U.K. dating back some 1600 years. In addition to being the oldest form of Gaelic, this language, sometimes called "the Alphabet of Trees" is used in divination. Join us for this workshop to make your own Ogham staves and embroider a unique bag to keep them in before performing a Celtic blessing on your new tools, and for meditations on the forest that was home to our ancient Celtic ancestors.

All supplies are provided by your instructor.


12-4 pm at Moon Phased

Tuition: $60

An Eye for an Alphabet: Runes and Relics of the Germanic Tribes

Runes seem to be everywhere these days, but what are the stories, myths, and history that carried them to us today? In this engaging workshop we will look at the legends of the Germanic tribes, including those we today call "Vikings", and see their wide-ranging influence on the world stage. At the same time we'll be fashioning a primitive leather bag and hand-paint our first set of runes and use them in divination. Gather with us for this celebration of the many stories of Yggdrasill, the world tree, and reach back into the roots of Germanic paganism.

All supplies are provided by your instructor.


12 -4 at Moon Phased

Tuition: $60

In addition, we are adding a Dream Catcher class on September 23, 10-12:30 ($50 tuition includes supplies) and BOOK OF SHADOWS is BACK at Moon Phased on October 21, 12-4 ($60 tuition). Enrollment forms are not up yet as we literally just did this this morning, but if you are interested email me at and I'll get you a form once I am back from Scotland!

Sending all of you love!


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