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Darkflower Newsletter #3: Singing with our Ghosts


Hey there everyone and Happy Almost Summer!

There's lots going on right now at Darkflower Books and Folk Art, so let's get to it! The first thing I'd like to mention is that a whole slew of my original folk paintings are now for sale at Odyssey Gem in Winchester (find them at They have the most GORGEOUS crystals and stones and their prices are ridiculously good...if you are in the Winchester area swing by and take a peek!

Want a print? The etsy shop has prints of most of the designs you see above and more!

Upcoming Events for the 2nd half of June:

The Silver Moon Emporium on June 23rd in Manassas (more info here: Technically I guess it's a Midsummer market, not Beltane, but however you slice it it's gonna ROCK. This vintage movie theatre-turned-event center is an INDOOR market, so you can still come hand out even if it rains or is 100 degrees! The building will be loaded with art and metaphysical vendors and it always a tone of fun, and I have a massive double-wide booth right inside the front doors (and yes, Idol Hands will be right next to me!) Spell kits! Poppets! New prints! The NEW Witch of Wolfcroft Book! Come say hello!

JUNE 29th is going to be a doozy...the Brunswick, MD Arts Festival was rescheduled to this date due to rain in May, AND we have the Shepherdstown, WV Arts festival that day too. I'll be manning the Shepherdstown Darkflower booth in WV, and Intern Sarah will be manning another Darkflower Booth in Brunswick AT THE SAME TIME. Here are the links if y'all wanna come out and party:

And then on July 6 I'll be at Moon Phased in Winchester teaching Celtic Spellwork 101: Symbolism and Practice. Read a bunch of books and blogs but need help setting up your first Circle and casting simple spells? You're going to get a workout in this class, baby! Infor and registration is here:

And now...a Haunted Archaeology Update!

The Blue Ball Inn in Brucetown, VA - Est. 1747

Our archaeology at the Inn has been an amazing success...we did at least once a week, and BAGLOADS or artifacts come out of the ground! Tools, coins, pottery, animal bone, thirty-five years of digging I have NEVER seen a site this artifact plentiful. We have volunteers helping clean and ID artifacts because I can't keep up with the onslaught! And I am currently hard at work writing a book that not only covers the history of the house, but records the paranormal experiences many of our volunteers have had inside. If you are in the Winchester area and would like to come and dig, please send me a message and I'll get you signed up to become part of our volunteer crew!

A HUGE THANK YOU to our amazing archaeology volunteers who came out to dig yesterday in the heat....we found a ridiculous amount of artifacts! Thank you also to the volunteers who have answered my call to clean artifacts!

And a BIG "Hooray!" to volunteer Historians Mark R. and Ashley for ferrying Archaeologist Nate, Archaeologist Kathy, and myself on a three-hour Magickal Mystery Tour around Brucetown and surrounding environs pointing out old family houses, historic churches, cemeteries, and mill locations in which to set our story as I write the book about how this amazing community has come together to uncover the history and artifacts of the Inn. I am honored to know all of you and I learn SO MUCH whenever I am in your presence!


SUNDAY, JULY 7, 9 AM-12:30 PM

SATURDAY, JULY 13, 9-12:30

SATURDAY, JULY 20, 9 AM-12:30 PM

We'll be adding another weekday dig in there shortly as well.

ALSO: the Inn chimney is in need of repair and we need a good mason to give us an estimate. If you know of one in the Winchester area, please let me know and I'll get the message to Joseph Durbin (or you can write him directly!)

For more on the Inn, follow me on Facebook (Tava Baird or Darkflower Books and Folk Art) and follow Blue Ball Inn on Tiktok for videos (including ghostly encounters in the house.) We are now on our way to identifying some of the spirits residing within.

And mark your calendars for September 28-29, when there will be another Paracon event to raise funds to preserve the house! there will be a market in the back yard, you can tour the house, and there will be a ticketed nighttime paranormal investigation as well!


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