Hey there and Happy Summer! I hope everyone's summer is off to a magnificent start! I am writing up a storm, and want to let you know about the next two releases in the Spiral Pathways Series!
Book Three will be out in July! Yes, as in "the July that started today!" It's about 3/4 finished, and is currently at almost 300 pages. The title is The Deck of Crows, and it introduces a major new female character who definitely shakes things up a bit. And we're going into Faerie, people! Woohoo! Hold onto your various winged creatures, because this one has magickal happenings out the ying-yang. And that book will lead to...
Book Four, which should be out in September! Maybe sooner, depending on how fast I write. Book Four is titled Darkflower, and if you've wanted to see Saorsa kick some major supernatural booty than this will be the ride for you!
Thank you so much to everyone who is reading the series and to everyone who writes and texts and calls and tells me they are enjoying it! It's so much fun to write for you all!