SURPRISE! There is now a prequel series for The Spiral Pathways. and book one, The Ballad of Birdie MacLeod, has just been released on Kindle and in paperback! Set twenty years before the events of Wyldwood, this new series begins on The Isle of Skye and features some familiar faces for readers of the original series while being a stand-alone story on its own. And what's better than Scottish witches? Scottish witch PIRATES. Yes, this ghostly tale of Scotland and Ireland set in 1722 features pirates aplenty, as well as all of the adventure, romance, and good ol' fashioned paganism you can handle. And its sequel will be out THIS SUMMER!
The Ballad of Birdie MacLeod is available here in paperback: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CTHQ6RW7
...and here on Kindle:
...and signed copies will be available through this site in about a week! I also have wicked cool "Pirate Queen" tote bags with a skull and crossbones on them that will be available at the same time as well...
...and not to tempt you further, but Birdie has some MAJOR revelations and secrets about the events and characters of The Spiral Pathways tucked away in it. There's a mysterious event from Bonewytch that will suddenly make more sense to you if you read this series!
Happy reading, friends! Hope this book shivers your timbers!