It's here! It's here! The end of summer and the beginning of SPOOKY SEASON! And there's stuff happening in Winchester, Frederick, Glen Burnie, Fredericksburg, Manassas, and MORE!

Hello friends! Can you feel it in the air? The heat is starting to fade, the spiders are weaving like mad, and the Wheel of the Year turns. That's right, it's nearly SPOOKY SEASON!
Darkflower Books and Folk Art is busy, busy busy at this end of summer-time. The dig at the Blue Ball Inn is humming along as we try to get as many artifacts out of the ground before the ground freezes in a few months. We've found out first artifacts from the 1700s and more are appearing all the time! And....hoo boy, are there a lot of classes and events on the schedule. Just look here at the end of August and beginning of September!
KICK OFF YOUR SPOOKY SEASON RIGHT with new friends, fun, and a return to our roots! Take a class or workshop in your area with local author, artist, archaeologist and witchcraft mentor Tava Baird! Broom-tying, scrying, Appalachian quilting inside a haunted house, and more!
PLEASE KEEP IN MIND, PRE-REGISTRATION is REQUIRED and closes before the event! To register, please visit
THIS WEEKEND: Introduction to Appalachian Crazy Quilts: Piecework and Embroidery! Blue Ball Inn Benefit Class! August 18, 10-12, CLEAR BROOK, VA outside of WINCHESTER on Sunday
Make a unique little lavender dream pillow using crazy quilt and embroidery techniques with a mountain theme. Dive into our stash of cloth, ribbons, buttons and yarn to express yourself just as our Appalachian grandmothers did! Proceeds benefit the restoration of the haunted Blue Ball Inn. Class is $60 and is held inside the Inn and if you come, you can bring a friend for FREE! All materials are included in the cost.
Bind Your own Book of Shadows August 18, 6-8:30 PM, WINCHESTER, VA at Raven Conjure on Sunday
Learn to hand-bind your own leather soft-cover Book of Shadows or journal with a beaded spine. A fantastic introduction to the art of bookbinding! Leave with a one-of-a kind journal and the skills you need to make more books! Cost is $75 and includes all materials.
Poppets and Healing Dolls for the Spiritual Journey August 24, 11-2:30, MANASSAS, VA next Saturday
Design and create a healing poppet or Reiki distance healing doll to help manifest your intentions and be a companion on your spiritual path! Cost is $65 which includes all materials. Class is $65 and includes all materials.
Introduction to Traditional Broom-Tying Sunday, August 25, 1-3 pm at Abija Blue in WINCHESTER, VA
Join us and launch your journey into traditional broom-making! In this class you will learn to tie two 14” handle-less hearth brooms and learn all the techniques you will need to move into besom and cobweb brooms in the future. Class fee of $55 includes all materials.
KITCHEN DIVINATION: TEA LEAVES and SCRYING JARS Saturday, August 31, 2:30-4:30 pm at Moon Phased in WINCHESTER VA
Scrying and tea leaf reading are ancient arts that have been practiced worldwide…but how do you actually do it? In this adventurous class with your guide Tava Baird you will gain experience in reading tea leaves for yourself and others, and talk about many forms of scrying and how to ask the right questions. You’ll make a scrying jar to use and take home with you after for your fall divination needs! $55 includes all materials.
And then...there's MARKETS!
THIS SATURDAY: Metaphysical Market in Glen Burnie, MD
and then...TWO DAY EVENT: WITCHES and PAGAN PRIDE in Fredericksburg, VA on September 13 and 14!! This is a big one, folks! 75 vendors!
Come and visit me at these markets if you are out and about...I'd love to see you and say hi! As you wrap up your summers and head into fall, I hope your days are filled with peace, hope, and lovely witchy things to make and do. I appreciate all of you in the community and can't wait to celebrate the changing of the seasons with you!