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Our Pagan Circle: An Interview with Idol Hands Crafts


Hello everyone! We're back with the second Our Pagan Circle interview featuring Kathy Bowman of Idol Hands Crafts! Idol Hands and Darkflower vend together, so pretty much wherever you find me, you'll find Idol Hands in the next tent over. And away we go!

It's nice to meet you! Please tell us your name and business name, a brief description of your business or practice, and how long you have been working in the pagan community.

I'm Kathy Bowman of Idol Hands. I make resin art creations.

Where are you geographically based?

Idol Hands is in Lovettsville, VA.

Do you have a shop or website or both?

Right now, you can reach us through Facebook at

What first drew you to this line of work? Please tell us a bit about your background. How did you end up doing what you do today?

My daughter Sarah. I am a mom of 3 beautiful girls, (Nicole, Emily, and Sarah) and have been married to John for 27 years this year. I have an extensive work history of office work and was recently let go of my job in October. I decided that I needed a change and wanted to focus on something I am passionate about. The funny thing is that I didn't realize my passion was resin until I started experimenting with it. I love the community of people that I am surrounded with at markets and shops.

Please share with us a bit about what inspires you.

I love to let my creativity just run loose. It amazes me with every market how people always tell me that my stuff is "beautiful". I am also always so excited to get custom orders and see items that sell at the different shops. (Doppio Bunny, Artisan Market, Moon Phased, Raven Conjure, and Loudoun Crystals). I want to also let my children see that it is never too late to follow your dreams.

What new projects do you have in the works for 2024?

For 2024 I get to explore the different seasons and holidays. Since I only started Idol Hands in August of 2023. I am growing my animal creations and working on the Spring line. I am also venturing out to set up and run new markets in the Purcellville area and helping with events at Doppio Bunny Coffee.

Any upcoming events can we find you at?

YES ! Starting this Saturday, February 17 - Artisan Market Studio (AMS) will be attending the Mobile Market at Eat Loco One Loudoun. They will be there every Saturday through March 16. Being a member of AMS give vendors the opportunity to be showcased at different venues and AMS does all the work.

March 3rd: Ostara Market at the Salisbury Center in Manassas - hosted by Whispering Willow Wellness

March 17: Ostara Market at Raven Conjure

March 22-23: AMS Spring Market at the Barn of Brambleton.

May 18: Lovettsville Mayfest

May 25: Hare Moon hosted by Doppio Bunny and Idol Hands - The Plains, VA

What is your favorite part about interacting with the pagan community?

I love the community of people that I am surrounded with at markets and shops. I finally feel that I am in the right place in my life. I am so grateful for the welcoming I have received and the support that continues to grow.

Do you have any favorite pagan websites, authors, artists, musicians, groups, podcasts or practices you'd like to share?

Of course my favorite author is Tava Baird. I am just starting to learn the Spiral Pathways Witchcraft, so this is the next exciting step in my life (thank you, Kathy! -ed.)

Anything else you'd like to share with us?

I am so grateful for the support of my family, friends and customers.

Thank you so much, Kathy! We wish Idol Hands a prosperous first full year in business, and we are looking forward to all you new creations in 2024!

Want to be featured in an Our Pagan Circle interview? Send a request to Tava at! See more of Kathy's art below:

Tree of Life


Idle Hands by Idol Hands

See No Evil, Hear No Evil, and Speak No Evil

Collage Whale

Collage Seal

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