Turn your winter blahs around and take a class!
Metaphysical Classes at doppiobunny Purcellville are HERE! here's the first three, and enrollment is now OPEN! Space is limited, so pop on over quick if you are interested!
MARCH 2, 10 am -12 pm: SINGING TO THE BONES: An introductory course covering the history and art of bone-casting. Come help us preserve this ancient and beautiful form of divination! Cost of $60 includes a starter bone-casting kit, casting cloth, and a copy of Singing to the Bones. Class time: 2 hours.
APRIL 6, 10 am-12 pm: TAROT -HISTORY and PRACTICE: The practice of reading Tarot for spiritual insight is widespread today. But what is the difference between a Tarot Deck, an Oracle Deck, and a Lenormand Deck? How did today's playing cards emerge from the mystical Tarot? How does one begin to learn to read Tarot, and what do you need to do to design your own deck? And can Pythagorean numerology help you with your readings? Pagan artist and author Tava Baird will walk you through the history and practices surrounding this fascinating spiritual tool and help you get comfortable doing basic readings and interpreting the symbols found on the cards. Fee: $40 includes use of learner’s tarot decks. Class time: 2 hours.
APRIL 21, 2-4:30 PM: KITCHEN DIVINATION -TEA LEAVES and SCRYING JARS: Scrying and tea leaf reading are ancient arts that have been practiced worldwide…but how do you actually do it? In this adventurous class with your guide Tava Baird you will gain experience in reading tea leaves for yourself and others, and talk about many forms of scrying and how to ask the right questions when looking for answers. Each participant will be able to decorate and bless a jar for water scrying to take with them, and learn how to bind a simple pamphlet-stitch symbol dictionary and dream journal to accompany them on their journey. Fee: $55 includes all materials. Class Time: 2 1/2 hours.
To register for classes, go to https://www.tavabaird.com/classes
More classes available around the region on the site including Binding a Book of Shadows, Dreamcatchers, Introduction to Spellwork, and more!